Our pets can reap significant benefits from the calcium and nutrition that can be found in ground bones. When it comes to grinding bones, many of us are confused about which method is best. It is not surprising, then, that a question like this arises Can I grind chicken bones in the food processor?
By following the right procedure, you can grind chicken bones in a food processor. There are a couple of steps you must follow if you want to grind chicken bones in a food processor (like adding water to those bones).
Then, if you’re not familiar with how a food processor works to grind chicken bones, then you shouldn’t use one.
You have to choose the best device when you are grinding chicken bones. Your device could be damaged if you don’t select the right type of machine. Moreover, it can also lead to serious types of accidents at their worst.
Meat grinders are used to grind chicken bones, while bone grinders and food processors are used for grinding bones. It remains confusing, however! I have therefore written an article about how you can grind bones without a food processor following your recipe.
The following discussion has been divided into several sections for your convenience. You will find valuable information in each of the following sections in regards to your question can chicken bones be ground in a food processor.
- 6 Best Steps to Grind Bones In A Food Processor
- What Kind of Bones Can I Grind With A Food Processor?
- Some SECRET Tips For Grinding Bones In Processor
What Is A Food Processor?
The food processor is considered to be a popular kitchen appliance primarily used for smoothing over repetitive tasks during the preparation of food.

A food processor is usually referred to as a primarily electric-motor-driven appliance in the modern era. Yet there are still machines that are called “food processors” and that are operated manually.
There are many similarities between a food processor and a blender. As a food processor does not require a fixed amount of water while preparing food, a blender does require a predetermined amount of liquid or water.
Food Processors Used For:
In addition to processing food, food processors may also be used for other purposes. The majority of them are tasks associated with preparing different types of food. Following are some of the tasks that can be performed using a food processor:
- Preparation of meat and bones for grinding.
- Making vegetable chopping.
- The process of shredding cheese.
- Preparing fruits for slicing.
- Salad and dressing preparations.
- Dipping and sauces.
- Dough preparation.
- Making Nut Butter & Crumbs.
You can prepare only a few foods using a food processor here since I have only listed the most common ones. Despite that, there are countless others on the list.
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How Can I Grind Bones In A Food Processor? 6 Steps

Step 1: Selecting The Bones
It is extremely important that you pick the chicken bones very carefully since you will be using a food processor to grind them into powder.
My recommendation is to choose bones that are uncooked and soft enough to break apart easily. It makes sense to think about what foods your pet would normally consume if they were left alone in the jungle if you grind the bones primarily for that purpose.
For the purpose of this particular case, the rib cages, wings tips, and neck bones of chickens would be the most useful bones to use. It is strongly recommended that you pick bones that have soft textures. Bones that are soft are easily broken down. The reason I recommend you choose them is because of their high quality.
Step 2: Cutting The Bones Into Smaller Pieces
Before placing the chicken bones inside the food processor, they need to be divided into smaller pieces. This will allow the machine to properly accommodate them.
The strongest and sharpest knife you have in your kitchen will be ideal for accomplishing this task. If you don’t have high quality kitchen scissors, you can use any pair of scissors. It is common to find some meat stuck to chicken bones when you separate it from bones. The meat on those bones has to be pulled from the bones before you start the bone grinding procedure.
Step 3: Adding Vegetables
Whenever you prepare meals for your pets, it is better to include some vegetables with the chicken bones. Combining these two ingredients can make a perfectly nutritious meal for your pet.
Adding vegetables requires cutting them into smaller pieces so the food processor can grind them properly. If you add water before cutting the vegetables, they will be softer when they are put into the food processor.
Step 4: Putting Bone Pieces Inside Food Processor
As you process the chicken bones, you need to put the pieces into the food processor. Keep in mind that bone pieces cannot be put in the machine in excessive amounts.
Add a small cup of water to the food processor to ensure consistency in the grinding output. When you are done cutting the vegetables into smaller pieces, you can put them in their respective containers.
You may need to push everything (bone pieces and vegetables) into place so that everything fits at the right height. In the next step, you will start the bone grinding procedure using the food processor.
Step 5: Storing The Ground Bones
Keeping the ground bones in the refrigerator is a good idea once all of the bones have been ground. However, the ground bones must be placed in a sealed container before you store them in the refrigerator.
Step 6: Washing The Food Processor
Remove the food processor from the power source and clean it thoroughly. Some people do not want to clean the grinding machine after they finish their task.
It is important to change habits like these. After doing your bone grinding job, I always recommend immediately washing your machine. For a better result, you should clean your food processor with light warm water.
What Can I Grind With A Food Processor?
With a food processor, you are already familiar with the ability to grind meat and bones. If you’re grinding bones, it won’t be a good idea to choose a food processor.
It is improper to use a food processor to grind thicker bones, according to my experience. In order to grind bones properly with a food processor, choose soft and uncooked bones that aren’t too thick or too long. The rib cage, the wingtips, and even the neck bones may be considered bones of this type.
Whenever you are trying to grind bones in a food processor, bear in mind that following the proper guidelines will be helpful. Food processors can get damaged if something goes wrong with them. Additionally, you can’t count on your food processor to perform as well as usual.
You can find a detailed guide to grounding chicken bones in a food processor in the section below.
Grind Chicken Bones in A Food Processor
I would answer ‘YES‘ to your question about grinding chicken bones in a food processor. However, there are some guidelines and rules that must be followed.
It is impossible to grind thicker bones with a food processor, as I have already pointed out. Therefore, such an experiment should never be attempted. If you follow the steps described below, you can use a food processor to grind chicken bones properly.
Other Suitable Bones For Grinding
More and more people now prefer grinding their own meats and bones at home rather than purchasing them. In addition, grinding bones at home is more hygienic and safer than going to the supermarket. Again, we can choose whatever works best for us, and we can make use of our grinders and bones.
In order to start crushing, we must choose bones that are easy to crush. In order of priority:
- Ribcage bone, neck bone, wingtips, back, small poultry, rabbit, fish, turkey bone, rodents bone, etc., are the best types of bones for grinding.
- To easily crush, make sure that the bones are the length and thickness of your thumb.
- The texture and nutrition of cooked bones aren’t good. They could contain harmful substances, so they could cause health problems.
- As large animal bones are hard, dense, and can endanger the sharpness of your grinder, it is not recommended that you use beef, deer, pork, or other large animal bones.
It won’t do you any harm to take some bone marrow, cartilage tissues, or blood.
Tips For Grinding Bones In Processor

To grind chicken bones in a food processor, here are some OF MY SECRET tips:
- If you want to grind the bones, you should keep them in water for 30 minutes before you do the task.
- The combination of fruits and vegetables may be helpful to your pet, depending on his or her preferences.
- The blades may be damaged if the machine contains too many bones. Food processors themselves can sometimes become clogged. In other words, you should not add a new bone until you have finished with the one you currently have.
- Make sure to add enough water to the food processor in order to get a perfect texture for the ground bones.
- Blood and marrow are present in bones. If not stored properly, there is a possibility that it could smell bad. Additionally, when you notice a difference in odor or texture in the ground bones, you should throw them out.
- Don’t forget to check whether the ground bones are fresh before you give them to your pets.
Grinding Bones In Grinders
To grind the bones, separate them from the flesh first. This will prepare the meat grinder for grinding. Ensure you only use raw bones and not cooked, as cooked bones will become hard over time. Use soft, pliable bones for your pets if you plan to grind them because animals in nature tend to eat those kinds.
Ribcage bones, the neckpiece, backbones, and chicken wingtips are suitable for grinding in a meat grinder. A meat grinder works best with small bones from poultry, rabbits, fish, and rodents. The meat grinder might not be able to crush and grind large bones, such as leg bones, because these are too hard for the machine.
When measuring bone thickness, use your thumb to ensure an accurate measurement. In order to prevent hurting your fingers, do not grind bone that is thicker than your thumb.
Tips to Read
Moreover, even when ground, these bones are coarse and hard, so animals like dogs and cats typically don’t eat them. There will be some bone marrow in the ground meat bones and some tissue ligaments and blood as well.
By consuming this, your pet shouldn’t experience any health problems. Don’t forget to add a catch bowl to drop the ground beef. Make sure the bowl has been cleaned beforehand to avoid contamination.
When you have finished using the meat grinder, it is essential to wash it thoroughly with warm, soapy water. If you just rinse it with plain water, the residue in the grinder can become a nest of bacteria and mold that can cause serious health problems, especially those related to digestion.